Friday, March 19, 2010

God help me!

Today I went for an interview to a certain company. The reception was fine. The girl was apparently the telemarketer who acted as the front desk person. Alhamdulillah, everything went well. I like the interviewer. He was friendly. I noticed that he dressed up immaculately. He was very articulate and a good listener. He said my email and my resume caught his attention (well I'm not sure about it myself, but I think my email and resume were so so) thank God he liked it.
The interview went rather long. With him asking me to explain about myself and about my knowledge prior to the company. FYI I am applying for a front desk cum admin assistant. Lol. I know it's not high by some professional standard in term of remuneration and in the corporate social hierarchy. But I still have to be grateful to be called for an interview. He praised me by saying that I have a relatively good command in English. And said that I met the the basic requirement of being a front desk person. Alhamdulillah praise due to Allah. Although I was a little nervous with my heart thumping so fast that I thought it would eventually come out of my chest, and my occasionally faltering voice and a little slur here and there during my talk, I was gradually feeling at ease. I even cracked a little joke and we actually talk. I mean talk though not the way of the old chum, we actually(I think) got the ball rolling in a rather nice way.
He said he'll put me among short-listed candidates and would eventually call me tomorrow to inform me if I were to be chosen for this position. I pray to Allah to give me the best. I mean I am ikhlas (sincere): if this job is not meant for me, everything I did would never avail me to this job, unless it was under His permission. Truly Allah is the Almighty, the All Knowing, and the Compassionate. Ya Allah, please reveal to me the right and best way for me, so that I could venture into this way under Your blessings and protections.. Amien..
Anyway, I have to start planning with what I am going to do with the money and to improve my life. Mainly, I wanted the money to be saved in a bank for the purpose of funding my "A Level"ambition. Yes. I intended to go for an A level course and subsequently go to the local university pursuing degree in economy or anthropology. Hope Allah will show me the way. It is very difficult for me to enter local universities. Hope one day my dream could be achieved. Sigh. For now I could only pray. I'll do my best effort to save some money first. God help me!

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