Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Allah Encompasses Everything

In the name of Allah The Most Compassionate The Merciful

I just watched a video about the angels and the jinns by Dr Bilal Philip. Alhamdulillah through there Allah show me how we as muslims should conduct ourselves accordingly by His law as decreed in the Quran. We as muslims believe in Allah, indisputably about his majestic and divine power. We are created solely in this world to submit to him to glorify him. Everything from our health, our foods, clothing, parents, knowledge, and numerous things are all come from Him. Allah's compassion and mercy are far greater and vast than the ocean and the sky. Had he wanted it to punish the disbelievers He could do so by giving them His scourge instead of his bounties.
Now, pertaining to the world of the unseen, we know nothing but a little. What we see through magic or any form of miracles are nothing but the doing of the jinns to deceive and mislead us from Allah.. Naudzubillah. Therefore do not associate yourself with any form of protection or magic associated with jinns. In some cases, people would say that they are receiving the help from Muslim jinn. Still fact of the matter is, Allah alone knows about the world of the unseen, do not try to jeopardize your belief by taking something that we don't even have a knowledge of. Truly I'm seeking refuge in Allah against shaitan and his minions who create mischief on this earth.
Anyhow, another lesson I drawn today is that we do not even know about the world of the unseen for instance amoeba and any microbiological things until only few decades ago that microscope was found. In it we could draw a lesson. Allah's knowledge encompasses everything. He truly is the Lord of the seen and the unseen, The Sustainer, The Mantainer. His prowess far exalted beyond anything and I bear witness that there's no other God beside Allah and prophet Muhammad (saw) is His messenger. Ya Allah, guide me always. Do not let me go astray, and do not let me fear any other beings beside you. Amiin...

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